Parent Council and Helpful Parental Information
Parent Councils can:
- Provide a voice for parents, in schools and in their local authority, on issues that are important to them and their children
- Help the school to understand how to most effectively involve parents in their children's learning and in the life of the school
- Support the school and Headteacher in developing strong home/school partnerships
- Support the school in its development and improvement, and in understanding and making links with the wider community
- Capture the unique and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience that parents can offer
Meet the Members
Here is some additional information about our Parent Council Members. If you are interested in joining the Parent Council please email the school email box.
Parent Council Members (PDF) [598KB] (opens new window)
January 2022 (PDF) [460KB] (opens new window)
PC March 2022 (PDF) [79KB] (opens new window)
AGM minute 2022 (PDF) [598KB] (opens new window)
Did you know?
People often ask where does the money that we raise go? What happens to it? We spend it on your children, giving them experiences they may not otherwise get.
For example
- The Pantomime costs just under £1000
- Buses to take children on trips cost anywhere from £60 for a 12 seater mini bus, to over £200 for a bigger vehicle
- Christmas parties and prizes for events held throughout the year are support via the Parent Council funds
Parental Information
Proposal to Establish a new Non-Denominational Secondary School at Winchburgh
and Associated Proposals.
Please see the attached flyer for further information from this valuable parent service.
Parentzone (PDF) [537KB] (opens new window)